Sampling basalts and rhyolites at Okataina Volcanic Centre

By: David Farsky

PhD student David Farsky, working with Dr. Michael Rowe, completed some fieldwork last weekend. David sampled basaltic scoria from the 1886 Tarawera eruption, basaltic tephra from an older eruption underlying the Rotoiti ignimbrite, pumice from the Rotoiti ignimbrite, and pumice from the Kaharoa ignimbrite.  The pictures with the geothermal lakes and springs show Jimmy, another PhD student, who is looking into the surface expression of the geothermal activity.


David examining Okataina-sourced rhyolitic deposits


A road cut showing block and ash deposits overlain by pumice


Fieldwork discussions with Brad Scott of GNS Science


Sampling K-trig tephra


Checking out the very geothermally active region near Okataina


More geothermal pools




One thought on “Sampling basalts and rhyolites at Okataina Volcanic Centre

  • July 4, 2023 at 6:52 pm

    What specific volcanic materials did David sample during the fieldwork?

    regards, Tel U


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